Green Matters supports Future Scape, (Urban Greening Directive) which provides green solutions for urban communities, encouraging environmental and ecological interaction.

The company provides products, technical support and a percentage of company profits to developing the availability and understanding of vegetation, growing, production and the environment.

This is especially important in areas devoid of ground space for vegetation. We are making an investment in green infrastructure by transferring knowledge and encouraging interaction with the greened environment.

We invest in the technologies that allow people to interact with plants who would not normally have the opportunity. We provide vertical production gardens that can be annually planted with harvestable produce. Also included are rain gardens and water storage, harvesting systems and living roofs that can be used as production areas whilst providing multi-disciplinary uses and functions.

We develop sensory designs that can be experienced by people with disabilities, using species that can stimulate multiple senses. No project is too small and all concepts encourage, enthuse and offer interactive experiences.

Future Scape benefits many people not normally exposed to plants and growing, we believe this is an aid to health and wellbeing as well as providing an early appreciation of the environmental impact we have on the planet.

Isolated areas of green help, stimulate and improve the local environment. Our objective is to create green oases that stimulate and offer reflection in an
increasingly fast paced world.