Vegetation and maintenance packages

All vegetation system requires some degree of maintenance, internal vertical walls and planters generally require less than external systems but all require a general and regular service plan.

All biophilic and urban greening systems are supplied with 12 months’ maintenance included and options to extend this cover which are cost effective and highly recommended.

Plant material for the home and workplace can in some instances be hired, systems are still managed and maintained, for more information contact a representative who will be happy to discuss the hire versus purchase options.

Package Inclusions (remedial)

  • Generally, two annual visits, 12 month renewable programs (following full site assessment)
  • Inspection and assessment of roof establishment and performance
  • Removal of damaging invasive species
  • Bio-diversity assessment of new and existing species
  • Management and maintenance of habitat areas (if installed)
  • Roof drainage assessment and irrigation maintenance (if required)
  • Feeding treatments. (Autumn generally using slow release package)
  • Weed spectrum and control requirements (if any)
  • Localised spot weeding of invasive or damaging species
  • Re-seeding and patching of roof areas caused by poor establishment (not adverse weather conditions, other service damage or insufficient irrigation)
  • Performance assessment of roof and retention systems (if present). Full roof report with photographs of damage or issues and ongoing recommendations. (All reports will contain site photographs, ongoing recommendations, additional actions and an option to renew or upgrade the contract)
  • Full roof report

Package Exclusions (remedial)

  • An irrigation system is not part of the standard maintenance allowance
  • There is no allowance within any package for watering hand watering, provision of tanks or supplementary watering techniques unless started within the terms of the contract. (unless agreed as estimate inclusions)
  • Bird damage, occasionally a problem with immature systems, especially plug systems in urban environments, systems often need replanting and in extreme situations need netting
  • Systems are designed to be sustainable but cannot accommodate extreme or freak weather patterns that may need extra remedial intervention, particular risk with immature or open substrate systems
  • No allowance for vandalism or theft can be made
  • Where damage occurs and where irrigation recommendations have not been followed, the company can repair the damage but these works are excluded from the standard package
  • There is no standard package available for systems not installed fully by the company but bespoke packages can be discussed
  • There is no allowance for mowing standard turf systems but trimming and flower removal on wildflower systems may be added as an extra contract component
  • No allowance can be made for systems damaged by fire
  • Work on other roof areas or applications including solar panels that may be within the roof system